Kris Kennaway kris at
Tue Mar 1 00:44:42 GMT 2005

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 06:39:21PM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> I have a dual Xeon system, for which I had hyperthreading enabled.  I 
> was running a CPU intensive floating point program (specifically using 
> the fftw3 port with threads).  I found that using 4 (hyper) processors 
> really did give me a speed advantage, even though I do find web sites 
> that suggested this advantage was minimal.  (So for example, 4 processes 
> on this system seemed to run at the equivalent of 2GHz on these 3GHz 
> computers, so the advantage was about 1.3 times.)
> But then after about a day the computer had a panic.  I found that 4 
> CPU's under FreeBSD 5.3 is apparently unstable, and there were 
> statements to the effect that this would be fixed in FreeBSD 5.4.  Is 
> this going to happen?  I am currently running a rather recent version of 
> FreeBSD 5.3-Stable, maybe a week or two old, so I am concerned that 
> maybe this won't get committed.

Depends on the panic.  What was it?

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