picobsd and freebsd 5.3

Yuri Kurenkov joker at init.ru
Tue Jun 28 10:59:55 GMT 2005

Thanx, Luigi, for your development. You script modified for using makefs 
works with RELENG_4 and RELENG_5 and help to me migrate my CF versions from 
RELENG_4 to RELENG_5. But i take one small trouble: I can't build 1400K 
floppy images - makefs say me:

`getarptab.o' is up to date.
makefs: `/usr/src/release/picobsd/build/build_dir-tinet/mfs.tree' size of 
2359296 is larger than the maxsize of 2355200.

But native RELENG_4 `picobsd' build scrip make picobsd.bin with this config 
set succesfully. Can you help with this trouble? I'm wating for Your 
solutions :)

Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> maybe the attached version of the 'picobsd' script helps.
> I have removed the need to run with vnconfig and/or root privs,
> and rely on "makefs" (from the ports). It also removes
> one instance of {bsd|disk}label, so that might help.
> I have only tested this with 4.x and building picobsd
> images based on 4.x and 5.x sources
> 	cheers
> 	luigi
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 03:04:10PM -0400, john thomas wrote:
>>Hi there - I'm trying to use picobsd on freebsd 5.3 and having a few problems.
>>I am simply doing "/usr/src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd bridge" as
>>root, accepting all the defaults and selecting 'build' from the
>>dialog.  It sucessfully compiles the kernel, does crunchgen ok (with a
>>few errors re: sshd which im confident I can fix in crunch.conf
>>later), and then starts to build the floppy image and dies like this:
>>Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted on
>>/dev/md0c       2967 1311  1656    44%      70   376   16%  
>>/dev/md0c: clean, 3312 free (8 frags, 413 blocks, 0.1% fragmentation)
>>0+1 records in
>>0+1 records out
>>13 bytes transferred in 0.000101 secs (128903 bytes/sec)
>>disklabel -Brw -b /boot/boot1 -s /root/pico/build_dir-bridge/boot2 md0 auto
>>usage: bsdlabel disk
>>                (to read label)
>>        bsdlabel -w [-n] [-m machine] disk [type]
>>                (to write label with existing boot program)
>>        bsdlabel -e [-n] [-m machine] disk
>>                (to edit label)
>>        bsdlabel -R [-n] [-m machine] disk protofile
>>                (to restore label with existing boot program)
>>        bsdlabel -B [-b boot] [-m machine] disk
>>                (to install boot program with existing on-disk label)
>>        bsdlabel -w -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk [type]
>>                (to write label and install boot program)
>>        bsdlabel -R -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk protofile
>>                (to restore label and install boot program)
>>---> fail: Error <1> error code <floppy_disklabel> in <>
>>Error while doing disklabel on of floppy.img size 1440
>>---> Aborting ./picobsd
>>I added an echo of what seems to be the command that causes it to
>>fail, you can see it in the output above but I'll also put it here:
>>disklabel -Brw -b /boot/boot1 -s /root/pico/build_dir-bridge/boot2 md0 auto
>>I'm pretty new to freebsd so I have no idea what that command is
>>trying to achieve, but perusing the disklabel manpage shows no -r or
>>-s arguments, and a quick look at
>>shows that those options were both added in v1.29 (as well as a bunch
>>of other things), which is the version that in 5.3.
>>My end goal is to just end up with a kernel file (with embedded
>>ramdisk image) that I can boot with grub (from a cf card), but I'm not
>>sure how to fix the script to get there.
>>Any suggestions would be great.
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Yuri V. Kurenkov [YVK9-RIPN]
JSC "INIT", 88, Frunze st., Taganrog, 347904 RU
Ph/Fax: +7-8634-391011
ICQ UIN: 21666578

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