Memory problem

Sevag Krikorian kahlinor at
Sat May 29 16:37:58 PDT 2004

I tried the Memtest program and sure enough, a large
chunk of my memory was malfunctioning.  I removed the
offensive strip and Pico-BSD loaded up to shell.

Consequently, I am now also able to load up some
floppy-based Linux OSs that didn't load up before.

Thanks for the help, folks.

As some others on this list pointed out, I won't be
able to accomplish my goal using Pico-BSD.  Does
anyone know of a floppy-based installation of BSD,
sort of like the Slackware/ZipSlack Linux projects,
where I can pick and choose which modules to install?

Sevag Krikorian  -=[Kain]=-

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