ports requiring OpenSSL not honouring OpenSSL from ports

Jamie Landeg-Jones jamie at dyslexicfish.net
Sun Apr 27 22:50:07 UTC 2014

Scot Hetzel <swhetzel at gmail.com> wrote:

> The port should use the OpenSSL port if it is installed, unless the
> port sets one of these variables in it's Makefile:
> The port shouldn't be setting these variables.

Thanks. As I expected.

> Do you have a list of which ports used the OpenSSL from base, instead
> of the installed OpenSSL port?
> Could you check if they set these variables.

Well, I can only check the ones I have installed. Here's a list of some
that link against /lib/libcrypto.so.7 and/or /lib/libssl.so.7 retrieved
using the following command:

# grep -EaHlr -D skip 'libssl\.so\.7|libcrypto\.so\.7' /usr/local | awk '{print "pkg which -oq " $1}' | sh | sort | uniq

[ N.B. 'grep -r' follows symlinks. You'd need to use 'find ... | grep ...'
  instead to be more bulletproof ]


Again, as expected, none of these contain references to WITH_OPENSSL_BASE or
USE_OPENSSL_BASE, though I do get some ld conflict warnings in some cases
(e.g. when linking to libcurl, which does do the right thing)

> This is more of a ports issue, than a security issue.
> Post the list of affected ports to ports@, and/or submit PRs to
> correct the them.

I wanted to discuss the issue and make aware the security community
before discussing actual changes with @ports

As I said. there could be security implications if someone thinks a
patched previously vulnerable openssl port has secured all of their
other ports.

Also, it's not reliably possible to check which ports are affected
without at least downloading the distfile - some of the ports make no
reference to ssl in their ports template.

Cheers, Jamie

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