Anything in this story of concern?

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Mon Sep 9 07:34:19 UTC 2013

In message <0EEF6678B3EEC94B9AE44705DF224D023D48BF92 at G9W0725.americas.hpqcorp.n
et>, "Koornstra, Reinoud" writes:

>Well, OpenSSL isn't the most beautiful code ever written for sure, but to
>say it's a pile a crap would be a little too far to the negative end.
>Most vulnerabilities in encryption are due to implementation issues.
>Having not audited the OpenSSL code on this I cannot say whether there are 
>implementation issues there.

You are of course entitled to have your own opinion, but I think
you should go look at the bloody code before you voice an opinion.

I call it a piece of crap, because the code clearly is not designed
as much as thrown together from random phd-projects, and the most
positive thing I can say about the API is that it is "opaque".

Using OpenSSL correctly takes a LOT of skill and a fair bit of knowing
"it only works if you do it this way", and most people lack that,
so they copy & paste, which probably made the job much easier for NSA.

I wrote a blog entry
(In Danish:
and I wanted to show an example.

I opened an openssl source file at random and the first thing I see is:

ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_dup(const ASN1_OBJECT *o)
        ASN1_OBJECT *r;
        int i;
        char *ln=NULL,*sn=NULL;
        unsigned char *data=NULL;

        if (o == NULL) return(NULL);
        if (!(o->flags & ASN1_OBJECT_FLAG_DYNAMIC))
                return((ASN1_OBJECT *)o); /* XXX: ugh! Why? What kind of
                                             duplication is this??? */

An "Obj_dup()" function which silently doesn't ?  

I am not going to enumerate how many ways that is wrong, it should not
be necessary to do so in present company.

And BTW:  That XXX comment is 10 years old.

No, I say with conviction, based on personal inspection and experience,
that OpenSSL is crap.

And as Garrett Wollman correctly pointed out on twitter: It remains
yet to be seen if any implementation of SSL/TLS can be non-crap,
given that they are stuck with X.509.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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