pf rules

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Fri Jan 22 10:18:20 UTC 2010

kalin m wrote:
> hi all...
> doing testing with pf...
> how is it possible that if i have these rules below in pf.conf if i do:
> telnet 25
> i get:
> Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> ........... etc .......
> pf.conf contetns:
> tcp_in = "{ www, https }"
> ftp_in = "{ ftp }"
> udp = "{ domain, ntp }"
> ping = "echoreq"
> set skip on lo
> scrub in
> antispoof for eth0 inet
> block in all
> pass out all keep state
> pass proto udp to any port $udp
> pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $ping keep state
> pass in inet proto tcp to any port $tcp_in flags S/SAF synproxy state
> pass proto tcp to any port ssh

Did your ruleset actually load into pf?  If you run:

   # pfctl -nf pf.conf

then any output indicates a problem with your pf.conf.  Also,
you can examine the loaded rule set by:

   # pfctl -sr

This is generated from the pf.conf, but with all the list structures
expanded into separate rules.

You say: "antispoof for eth0 inet" -- this looks a bit dodgy to me:
'eth0' is a linuxism.  There's no such network interface driver
under FreeBSD, and you should probably replace that with the actual name
of the interface out of the list returned by 'ifconfig -l'  You don't really
need the 'inet' bit either -- that will be added automatically, as well as
matching 'inet6' rules if your system is IPv6 capable.  Also, your 
antispoof rules should come /after/ your generic 'block all' rule.

Handy hint: it's good practice when writing pf.conf to define a macro
with the interface name:

$ext_if = "em0"

and then use that macro liberally in your rules.

Hmmm... I suppose pf is actually enabled on your system?  You'ld need
to put:


into /etc/rc.conf to have it start automatically, or if you want to start
things manually, do:

    # kldload pf
    # pfctl -e

(but be careful with that if you aren't logged into the console, as you
can lock yourself out)



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW

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