Dropping syn+fin replies, but not really?

Jan Stary hans at stare.cz
Mon Nov 24 01:57:26 PST 2008

On Nov 23 17:03:15, Eirik ?verby wrote:
> I have a FreeBSD based firewall (pfsense) and, behind it, a few dozen  
> FreeBSD servers. Now we're required to run external security scans  
> (nessus++) on some of the hosts, and they constantly come back with a  
> "high" or "medium" severity problem: The host replies to TCP packets  
> with SYN+FIN set.

Aparently, nessus thinks that replying to SYNFIN packets at all is
a problem. But it thinks so because you configured it to thinks so,
right? Or is this hardwired into nessus? Also, why would nessus
sometimes think that it's a "high" severity problem, and at other
times, it's a "medium" severity problem?

> Problem: Both the firewall (FreeBSD 6.2-based pfSense 1.2) and the  
> host in question (recent FreeBSD 7.2-PRERELEASE) have  
> net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin=1 - I would therefore expect this to be a non- 
> issue.

It you configured your firewall and servers to NOT reply to SYNFIN packets,
and the still do, then this is a configuration issue itself.

How you also checked with other tools to find whether your servers reply
to SYNFIN, or do you trust nessus who says so?


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