BIND update?

Peter Thoenen peter.thoenen at
Wed Jul 9 16:12:59 UTC 2008

>>  Right, lets not act swiftly. That would be too much to ask. Is there any
>> reason why FreeBSD is one of the last vendors to release patches for the
>> vulnerability?

Actually IIRC all the press releases from the *alliance* stated 30 days 
and as this is a fundamental flaw that has known for the past 6 months 
and doesn't provide any sort of elevated privileges (or effect those 
smart enough to run DNSSEC like you should be IIRC) its really not a 
CRITICAL patch .. its more of a when you get around to it seriously. 
Let the Security Team do their job and quit pestering them on your now 
now now next day patch wants for a trivial issue.

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