ProPolice/SSP in 7.0

Gunther Mayer gunther.mayer at
Wed Jan 2 13:18:16 PST 2008

Thanks everyone for answering my questions so far.

Mike Silbersack wrote:
> It's too late to make that sort of change for FreeBSD 7.0, but I think 
> that's a good goal for FreeBSD 8.0.
> Here's what I think you could do:
> 1.  Verify that enabling SSP works properly.
Ok, I will certainly do that once 7.0 is out and I can run it for a 
while on our testing box.
> 2.  Convince Kris Kennaway to run his mysql benchmarks on a FreeBSD 8 
> system both with and without SSP to verify that there is no 
> significant slowdown.
Hmm, I guess Kris is not subscribed to -security? Maybe I'll have to 
post in -questions then...
> 3.  Get it enabled on FreeBSD 8 by default.
> 4.  Request that the change be made to FreeBSD 7.1 or 7.2 after it has 
> proven to not cause problems on FreeBSD 8.
Ok, but what's the best way to go about that? Don't see that being 
documented in the handbook. Do you suggest a post on -questions or a 
send-pr or both?

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