I cannot upgrade openssl-stablr

Clément Moulin cmoulin at simplerezo.com
Fri Oct 13 09:20:57 PDT 2006

Dirk Meyer a écrit:
>sould be used with extreme caution!
>This might break your base application in cases like this, when the base
uses a diffrent api as the ports does.

That's totally true.

I was wondering if, to avoid ports problem with openssl (and maybe some over
libs/important parts) - because somes refers directly to the openssl base,
others to the ports one -, we might try to find a way to have openssl - in
future release - in the base system being like a pre-installed port.

It will be very hopeful too when security issues are discovered, because
instead of patching the system base (and rebuilding the world...) we have
only to do a portupgrade... Saving times :)
An other interest in doing this, is that the system will be reported
unsecure by portaudit...

OpenSSH should have the same treatment :)

Clément Moulin

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