src/etc/rc.firewall simple ${fw_pass} tcp from any to any established

Dan Lukes dan at
Sat Nov 11 21:18:07 UTC 2006

R. B. Riddick napsal/wrote, On 11/11/06 20:33:
>> 	Statefull rules can stop the sophisticated intruder, but are often more 
>> vulnerable to DoS attacks.

> Hmm... U mean, when someone creates a lot of states? 
> At least pf can limit that... 


	"Limit" mean - some packet (connections, states) are denied. The rest 
is question - is algorithm smart enough to limit attackers packet but no 
legitimate connections (or, at least, try to block attacker and try not 
to block legitimate connections). Especially against attacker with full 
knowledge of algorithm.

> But here it looks like just the good guys can create a state (from the
> good-network via the public network to the trusted web sites), so that states
> can't hurt, I think...

	Yes, in that case you are true.


Dan Lukes                                   SISAL MFF UK
AKA: dan at, dan at,dan at

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