Fundraising for FreeBSD security development

Colin Percival cperciva at
Sat Apr 1 21:06:52 UTC 2006

F. Even - freebsd-security wrote:
> I'm just curious, is there any particular reason this wouldn't be or
> couldn't be facilitated through the FreeBSD Foundation?

There are a few reasons.  First, the Foundation doesn't have unlimited
money, and if I can raise funds on my own, they'll be able to spend
more on things like bringing developers to conferences.  Second, both
FreeBSD Update and Portsnap are very tangible and self-contained --
people who benefit from my work in this area are probably very aware
that they're using these tools, in contrast to more fundamental work
like adding SMP locking to the network subsystem (which is extremely
important, but not nearly as obvious).  Third, phk and andre raised
funds in the summers of 2004 and 2005 respectively, so I more or less
followed their lead. :-)

That said, if I come close to, but do not reach, my target, I'll ask
the Foundation if they can make up the difference.

Colin Percival

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