Fwd: (KAME-snap 9012) racoon in the kame project

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Thu Apr 21 06:09:03 PDT 2005

FYI, looks like support for Racoon is ending.  Does anyone have any 
experience with the version in ipsec-tools ?


>Racoon users,
>This is the announcement that the kame project will quit providing
>a key management daemon, the racoon, and that "ipsec-tools" will become
>the formal team to release the racoon.
>The final release of the racoon in the kame project will be on 4/25.
>Because there were some problem for users currently,
>         - I did not add new feature.
>         - I intent to fix security holes and apply patches.
>           however, it could not be enough done.
>         - I could not reply your questions, bug reports and
>           useful suggestions.
>I was sorry that it was not enough support for users.  I was thinking
>that I would not want to make trouble for users anymore.
>There is another racoon as known as "ipsec-tools" in the sourceforge.
>It is being developed very actively, is stable than racoon and
>implemented radical feature.  But it is sometime trouble for users
>that double racoons are released.  It is also wasteful that development
>resource is devided.  I was thinking that two racoon could be merged.
>There was an oppotunity having a meeting with some of "ipsec-tools"
>developers at the IETF 62th in Minneapolis.  I told my thought to
>the developers.  They willingly agreed with my proposal.
>They told me that they could become the formal support team.  So the kame
>project decided to quit providing, and supporting racoon.
>If you are interesting in the "ipsec-tools", please visit thier web page,
>         http://ipsec-tools.sourceforge.net/
>and subscribe to the mailing list by yourself.
>         http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ipsec-tools-devel
>Thank you up to now, and best regards,
>Some people interested in "racoon2".  It is still pre-alpha version,
>not satisfied with users.  I will concentrate developping "racoon2"
>to be stable.  It needs more than one year at least.
>//Shoichi Sakane

Mike Tancsa,                                      tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,                            mike at sentex.net
Providing Internet since 1994                    www.sentex.net
Cambridge, Ontario Canada                         www.sentex.net/mike

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