Random source ports in FreeBSD?

Danil V.Gerun news at 625.ru
Wed Sep 22 23:13:38 PDT 2004

Hello, Mike.

MS> Source port randomization was implemented before 4.10 was released.  See
MS> in_pcb.c revisions 1.143 - 1.146,, or, depending
MS> on the branch you're interested in:

Thank you, I really had to do this first =)

MS> What are your concerns with the way port randomization was implemented in
MS> FreeBSD?

Stheg was quite right :-)
I don't have any problems, I just didn't see anything other than my
cvsup'ed RELENG_4_9 source tree ;-) 
(or actually, didn't know where to check it out..)

Best regards, Danil V. Gerun.
danil at hate.spam.625.ru

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