
Jacques A. Vidrine nectar at FreeBSD.org
Wed Mar 17 06:23:32 PST 2004

On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 02:00:51AM -0500, Peter C. Lai wrote:
> Any reason why portaudit and its associated infrastructure was not announced to 
> this list or security-notifications? I recently discovered it, and discovered 
> the feature was added to bsd.port.mk in the beginning of feburary. Seeing as
> the security officer apparently (without announcement) no longer issues
> security notices (SNs) for ports, I am assuming that portaudit has replaced
> SNs entirely, and that we should rely on that for ports operational security?
> I'm not subscribed to -ports, -questions, or -current, which were apparently
> where the portaudit introduction discussions took place.

VuXML is the new mechanism for documenting security issues in ports.  It
has not been `announced' because it is still at an experimental stage.

portaudit is one tool that reads the FreeBSD VuXML document, and is well-
suited for automated checking.

Jacques Vidrine / nectar at celabo.org / jvidrine at verio.net / nectar at freebsd.org

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