way to duplicate logs?

Nielsen nielsen at memberwebs.com
Fri Dec 10 17:16:13 PST 2004

Bob Ababurko wrote:
> Also, is there a way to make more than one copy of these logs?....I am 
> not sure how this is set up and but I would like to possibly have 
> another set of logs in place so if someone is editing them, I can catch 
> it.  I know there is a chance that I may be overreacting., but just in 
> case I want to know.

You can forward them to another machine. Add a line like this to your 

*.*		@hostname

And then on the other machine change syslogd to accept (udp log packets) 
connections from other machines by removing the '-s' flags.

Of course if someone is really messing around they'll be able to send 
bogus logs to your other logging machine too.


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