POP daemon

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Mon Jun 16 16:40:41 PDT 2003

I rather enjoy the benifits of Qpopper.

markm at freebsd.org wrote:
> Dave writes:
>>What would be a good POP daemon to use?  I know there are a few in the
>>mail ports.  Are they any good?
> This question is impossible to answer. :-) "Hey! You have CD's! Are
> any of them any good?" "Of course they are! That's why I bought
> them??!"
>>What I mean by good is 'secure as possible' (is there really such thing as
>>being totally secure / invulnerable?)
> You need to help folks when asking very open questions like this.
> 1) What is your threat model?
>    a) What are you trying to protect?
>    b) How badly do your attackers want this?
>    c) How much can you afford for resources to thwart this?
> 2) What research have you already done?
>    a) You should have knowlege of a set of features and be asking
>       about those.
>    b) you should already know which are blatantly _not_ suitable
>       and why.
> 3) Why does this question not belong in newbies@/questions@?
>    The use of the word "secure" is not enough.
> Without pre-empting the above, you won't get useful answers. It's
> like asking "What car should I get?", without disclosing that you
> are a family man, and that a Ferrari is useless compared with an RV.
> M
> --
> Mark Murray
> iumop ap!sdn w,I idlaH
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         Kirk D Bailey
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"Thou art free"-ERIS          think    'Got a light?'-Promethieus


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