rc script for I SCSI

Sossi Andrej asossi at dotcom.ts.it
Wed Jan 14 05:36:46 PST 2009

I have NAS server with ISCSI. I must mount ISCSI disks at boot time, but 
I didn't find any article on how to do this. Then I wrote a rc script to 
help me to mount disks at boot time.
# PROVIDE: iscsi
# BEFORE: mountlate

. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name
start_cmd="echo \"Starting ${name}.\"; /usr/bin/nice -5 ${command} 
${iscontrol_flags} ${command_args}; sleep 2"
run_rc_command "$1"

The disk to mount must be in fstab file with the 'late' option. Eg:
/dev/da0s1d               /mnt/iscsi    ufs    rw,late    0    0

Is this the correct way to do this? If yes, is it possible to insert 
this script in the future version of FreeBSD?

Sossi Andrej
DotCom Information technology

Via Biancospino, 9
34151 - Opicina (TS)

tel: +39 040 2158191
fax: +39 040 0641954
E-mail: asossi at dotcom.ts.it

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