confusing aaccli output ...

Scott Long scottl at
Fri Oct 10 06:40:29 PDT 2003

Aaron Wohl wrote:
> Does anyone have a script to run aaccli a few times a day and see if the
> raid is happy?
> It used to be easy with dptutil (previous control program from adaptec
> for the 3200s)... each status had "Optimal" which changed to Degraded or
> whatever.
> aaccli seems geared more twords doing things to the raid than providing
> status.  Id like to know what all the possible failures are and how to
> check for them with aaccli.  I have a cron job check the status every few
> hours... but with aaccli ive never been sure I checked for all the
> failure kinds.

You can script aaccli by piping in the commands that you would normally
type and parsing the output:

$ aaccli < aac_script.txt > aac_output.txt

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