[it works] Sun Storedge A1000 and FreeBSD/sparc64

amon at sockar.homeip.net amon at sockar.homeip.net
Sat Dec 6 08:08:12 PST 2003


I've investigated a bit more my problem with the sun a1000 and managed
to get it working by using the same fix suggested by gerard roudier here
for the same problem with a disk drive : 


It seems that the a1000 has the same problem as the seagate drive
mentioned above. Sadly, I already have the latest firmware revision
for the array and it dates back to 2001 so I think there won't be
updates anymore.

In all cases, by removing the 3 lines that signal the overrun in the
sym driver, freebsd correctly detects all the luns configured on the
a1000 and can use them normally.

This is not a clean fix but at least you can use the array. (you still
need Solaris to manage the volumes since the Raid Manager for the
A1000 only exists on that platform)

Herve Boulouis 

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