mountcritlocal and mountlate issue

Sergey Baturov sergey at
Tue Mar 20 15:27:02 UTC 2007

Hi, all! 

I've found a small non-critical issue in /etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal
and /etc/rc.d/mountlate scripts. The issue is the same: 

	mount -a ...
	echo '.' 

	case $? in

There is no situation when 'case' would have a value other then '0'
because 'echo' executed just before the 'case' and the last command
exit status will almost always be zero. And the user will never see
error message in '*' case. 

Is this correct? 

P.S. Please 'CC' me, I'm not a list member. 

Sergey Baturov

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