New feature exec_afterstart

Dirk Engling erdgeist at
Fri Jun 9 14:31:48 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Matteo Riondato wrote:

> Well, before committing it, I tried to imagine a situation where the
> new feature would have been useful and came up to the conclusion that
> someone may want to run a service (daemon) that requires another
> daemon running or just want to have 2 services running in the same
> jail. He has a minimal jail, with just the binaries and the required
> libraries installed, and that's why sh is absent.

So you cared to strip everything down to have only the libraries, /etc
and users needed for your service. Then want to add another service. You
carefully strip down another jail too, merge these two jails and still
don't want to just copy /bin/sh into it in order to kludge another
daemon onto that jail from the outside, ignoring everything the rc
script set could deliver?

> Why should he run another jail? IMHO using exec_afterstart is a more
> linear approach than running two jails with the same jailroot/IP.

I do not see the point here. I consider jailing two distinct services
with no need to communicate except sharing the file system more straight
forward than introducing a strange list which seems to be laid out to do
very ugly things normally done by /usr/local/etc/rc.d...

Further, I think, computers do count a lot better than humans do. I
dislike the idea of enumerating things the way it is done there.
Renumbering is a PITA, forgetting a value leads to confusing errors, in
theory you can shuffle the whole list to make it unreadable at all.

> What is more, I'm not sure that having the two services running in two
> different jails will not interfere with their
> functionality/communication with the other. I haven't examples
> of such interference so I'm ready to be proved wrong. :)

Having set up dozens of installations with several hundred jails I can
assure you: the urge to run multiple services with the need to
communicate rectifies invoking /etc/rc, if they don't need to
communicate besides IP, don't put them into one jail.

> I hope my poorly-written explanation was enough to convince you of the
> usefulness of exec_afterstart.

I am sorry. No :) But since I am not a commiter I am not the one to

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