rc.d namespace

Yar Tikhiy yar at comp.chem.msu.su
Wed Dec 27 03:33:37 PST 2006

Hi folks,

My attention has been drawn by the fact that rc.subr and rc.d/*
don't seem to follow uniform namespace rules.  Namely both rc.subr
and rc.d use global identifiers starting with an underscore.
Fortunately, rc.subr doesn't seem to use global identifiers not
starting with an underscore besides the names exported to scripts
on purpose.

What do you think about adopting the following rule: "_foo" names
are for the rc.subr internals while just "foo" names are for rc.d
scripts?  Another possible way is: __foo or even __rc_foo for
rc.subr, _foo for scripts, foo for the documented rc.subr interface.



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