freebsd-update questions

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Wed Jan 28 07:16:24 UTC 2015

On 2015/01/28 02:50, Andrew Gould wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 12:46 PM, Brian W. <brian at> wrote:
>> A key thing to watch for in the conf files is that markers will be put in
>> place so you can see what's new; those need to be deleted.
> When I attempted an upgrade to 10.1-RELEASE, I got a message that certain
> configuration files couldn't be merged and that I should hit the enter
> button to merge them manually in vi.
> In vi, the first line was a series of left pointing arrows and a reference
> to version 10.0.   That was followed by the content of the new
> configuration file. (I think it was new because the lines I added to the
> existing files weren't there.)
> The last line was a series of right pointing errors and a reference to
> version 10.1.
> What am I supposed to do to keep the old configuration file contents?
> There are no instructions.

This is freebsd-update asking you to resolve conflicts in a three-way
merge between the file as supplied with the old version of FreeBSD, the
equivalent in the new version, and the file that is actually present on
your system.  The >>>>>>>>, ========= and <<<<<<<< markers are a
standard convention for indicating where there were areas of the file
that were changed differently between old --> new and old --> what's on
your system: what is generally called a 'merge conflict.'

Edit the file so it has the contents you want.  The sections indicated
by >>>>>>> etc markers are usually smaller than the whole file.  It's
important to remove all the markers in those files, or various things
may not start up correctly when you reboot.



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