SPAM: 自动回复:opensmtpd: pr ocmail: not found

Valeri Galtsev galtsev at
Mon Jan 26 16:34:19 UTC 2015

On Mon, January 26, 2015 9:00 am, opendaddy at wrote:
> On 26. januar 2015 at 1:49 PM, jzsf at wrote:
>>         谢谢!
>>             荆州盛发
> Anybody else getting bombarded with these every time they post to
> questions?
> O.D.

We had discussion once about spam with "From:" line containing
once in this list. Basically spam was sent to the list after majority of
first messages starting new thread. There were variety of suggestions
asking admins of list or even admins of MX to block whole ranges of IPs
assigned to the same owner as spam originating IP. Yes, it is I who is
that nasty ;-) - this is what I do on my mail servers (after always
unsuccessful attempts to contact abuse at that.domain then
postmaster at that.domain). It looks like admins of the list did fair job in
mitigating that, THANKS! If the originating blocks of IPs were blocked
(and mail To: addresses in these blocks is not being sent through mail
lists), then bad guys must have some different e-mail address subscribed
to the list, and a script parsing messages to extract sender, then add it
to spam database. That would be my guess. In this case none of this junk
will come through main list, but (some of) the list members will get spam
from it which seems to be your case.

If I had to solve what is happening to you, I would start rejecting mail
from blocks of IPs spam originates (if you have to have your server comply
RFCs, you may need to contact domain authorities with abuse complaint
first - someone more knowledgeable will correct me). I probably am lucky
to have already blocked the origin.


PS Someone deciphered content once and said it is innocent "vacation"
autoresponse in Chinese. I personally don't find it innocent neither to
have autoresponse sent to mail list, nor the message (even a signature)
sent to some mail list in foreign language. Foreign, being different from
mail list language. I can write in at least two different languages which
will be foreign for this list. I will consider it fair if I will be kicked
by people for it if I ever do that ;-)

Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247

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