What's in my hard drive? How can I get rid of it?

Polytropon freebsd at edvax.de
Wed Feb 18 17:37:34 UTC 2015

On Tue, 17 Feb 2015 15:24:16 -0700, jd1008 wrote:
> I believe a major overhaul of the software industry (both open source
> and commercial) is way way overdue.

This won't happen, especially because commercial software
(and the industry behind it) controls (!) the universe by
clever marketing, re-education, and brainwashing (until
it's nice and clean). Their goal is to make money, and
their purpose is to make more money, that's why they will
not let any change happen. Change is bad, you know? And
keep in mind: Improvement _is_ change. Growth (in terms
of the shareholders' money) is the only acceptable change,
because it's a constant. :-)

> A people's tribunal of highly capable software and hardware engineers
> is desperately needed to look into the source codes of all SW and HW
> designs and implementations - including the compilers and assemblers.

Again, this won't happen, as man's fixation on money will
allow those in control of money determine the outcome of
the action of that tribunal. You can see the same effect
in action in almost any legal system. The same applies to
certifications ("certified safety"). In most cases, an
actual prove isn't needed (and sometimes, it's not even
possible due to closed source), but when your money is on
the counter, you'll get the shiny badge - it's that simple
and easy. Again allow me to mention that this doesn't just
apply to software - it applies to "real life", too.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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