booting two freebsd slices from syslinux (boots always the first freebsd slice)

Alexander Lunev sol289 at
Thu Feb 12 09:10:34 UTC 2015

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to make bootable USB flash for servers install and recovery.
To make it one USB for all my needs, i've come to this partitioning scheme:

% gpart show da0
=>      63  15734721  da0  MBR  (7.5G)
        63   8241282    1  fat32  [active]  (3.9G)
   8241345   3071943    2  freebsd  (1.5G)
  11313288   3071943    3  freebsd  (1.5G)
  14385231   1349523    4  freebsd  (659M)
  15734754        30       - free -  (15K)

% ls -l /dev/da
da0%    da0s1%  da0s2%  da0s2a% da0s3%  da0s3a% da0s4%  da0s4a%

First partition is fat32 with HP SPP on it, which is booting by syslinux
Second is for FreeBSD 10.1-R 32bit system (root mounting from
Third is for FreeBSD 10.1-R 64bit system (root mounting from
Fourth is common to both FreeBSD systems /root folder.

To make 2nd and 3rd partitions bootable i've make them with 'bsdlabel -B -w
/dev/da0s2' and 'bsdlabel -B -w /dev/da0s3'.

Here comes syslinux.cfg:

label fbsd32
  MENU LABEL FreeBSD 32bit
  KERNEL chain.c32
  APPEND boot 2

label fbsd64
  MENU LABEL FreeBSD 64bit
  KERNEL chain.c32
  APPEND boot 3

label fbsd4
  MENU LABEL FreeBSD 4part
  KERNEL chain.c32
  APPEND boot 4

While booting if i choose label for "fbsd32" label, it boots 32bit system
from da0s2. And when i choose "fbsd64" label it also boots 32bit system!
I've make "fbsd4" label for testing purposes, it tries to boot from da0s4
slice and it's not booting since there are no boot code in it.

Why does it boot from da0s2 system when i choose fbsd64 label? How can i
debug booting process?

your sweet isn't ready yet

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