Cloning a user

Dave Babb dcbdbis at
Mon Sep 22 19:18:43 UTC 2014

Thank you for the information.

I also want to clone the MATE configuration and the desktop 
settings.........Just not the email settings.



On 09/22/14 13:11, Charles Swiger wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Dave Babb <dcbdbis at> wrote:
>> I am setting up a new system for a municipality. I want to setup one user's home dir, their desktop, .profile, dir tree, etc....then clone it to all the other users I need to setup. email is not a part of this cloning process. I am trying to avoid the labor setting up each user's desktop individually.....
> Utilities like pw and useradd will support -m and -k flags to create the user's home dir from a template or "skeleton", usually /etc/skel, /usr/share/skel, or similar.  Set that directory up to contain whatever files or subdirectories you'd like each new user to have by default.
> Regards,

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