is pkg saying courier and postfix are incompatible?

Dale Scott dalescott at
Wed Sep 17 21:24:37 UTC 2014

I'm following the recipe in Hong's v7 guide, trying to setup a mail server
that will collect all the mail generated by web apps running on the same
box. I installed courier-imap first and believe I'm not authenticating. The
rc script doesn't report status correctly, which makes me wonder if other
parts aren't working (but the rc script seems to start and stops things that
seems reasonable). 

I then installed the main courier pkg thinking there might be undocumented
dependencies. Pkg reported during install that courier was incompatible with
Postfix, and would be uninstalling Postfix for me. I hoped I could
re-install Postfix later, but now pkg is telling me it needs to delete
courier to install Postfix, so it seems there is some incompatibility
between the two.

It seems a) installing courier-imap and courier-imap-base in fbsd 10 isn't
the same as building from ports was with fbsd 7 (and I remember configuring
mail following the book on fbsd7 when I first bought it, and eventually got
things to work, but it seemed overly complicated for just getting mail from
A to B), and

b) the current courier suite 0.65.3 (I want to also use
courier-authlib-ldap) seems incompatible with current Postfix v2.11.1. Is
this correct? Is this still the textbook example? What do people do?


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