Get your Amazon €50 VOUCHER CODE to spend on your next purchase za at
Wed Sep 3 23:43:01 UTC 2014

You have been chosen by Amazon's Customer Satisfaction Department to take part in our quick and easy online survey. In return you will receive a €50 VOUCHER CODE to spend on Amazon on your next purchase.  
In an effort to continually measure the service quality given to you, we're asking for valuable feedback on how we are doing and how we can improve. 

Login to your account to take the survey now and receive the €50 VOUCHER CODE within the next 3 days. With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our services. The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous - No part of it is handed down to any third party. Don't miss the chance to change something and claim your fidelity bonus now.


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