Unable to start openldap with mdb backend

Jerry jerry at seibercom.net
Mon Oct 27 22:07:44 UTC 2014

Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:59:31 -0400

I am trying to update openldap to use mdb instead of bdb. I installed the
lmdb-0.9.13 port and thought I had openldap configured correctly; however,
openldap fails to start. It issues this error message:

/usr/local/etc/rc.d # service slapd start
Starting slapd.
Unrecognized database type (mdb)
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd: WARNING: failed to start slapd

This is the configuration of the port:

     ACCESSLOG=off: With In-Directory Access Logging overlay
     ACI=off: Per-object ACI (experimental)
     AUDITLOG=off: With Audit Logging overlay
     BDB=off: With BerkeleyDB backend (DEPRECATED)
     COLLECT=off: With Collect overy Services overlay
     CONSTRAINT=off: With Attribute Constraint overlay
     DDS=off: With Dynamic Directory Services overlay
     DEREF=off: With Dereference overlay
     DNSSRV=off: With Dnssrv backend
     DYNACL=off: Run-time loadable ACL (experimental)
     DYNAMIC_BACKENDS=on: Build dynamic backends
     DYNGROUP=off: With Dynamic Group overlay
     DYNLIST=off: With Dynamic List overlay
     FETCH=off: Enable fetch(3) support
     GSSAPI=off: With GSSAPI support (implies SASL support)
     MDB=on: With Memory-Mapped DB backend
     MEMBEROF=off: With Reverse Group Membership overlay
     ODBC=off: With SQL backend
     PASSWD=off: With Passwd backend
     PERL=off: With Perl backend
     PPOLICY=off: With Password Policy overlay
     PROXYCACHE=off: With Proxy Cache overlay
     REFINT=off: With Referential Integrity overlay
     RELAY=off: With Relay backend
     RETCODE=off: With Return Code testing overlay
     RLOOKUPS=off: With reverse lookups of client hostnames
     RWM=off: With Rewrite/Remap overlay
     SASL=off: With (Cyrus) SASL2 support
     SEQMOD=off: With Sequential Modify overlay
     SHA2=off: With SHA2 Password hashes overlay
     SHELL=off: With Shell backend (disables threading)
     SLAPI=off: With Netscape SLAPI plugin API (experimental)
     SLP=off: With SLPv2 (RFC 2608) support
     SMBPWD=off: With Samba Password hashes overlay
     SOCK=off: With Sock backend
     SSSVLV=off: With ServerSideSort/VLV overlay
     SYNCPROV=on: With Syncrepl Provider overlay
     TCP_WRAPPERS=off: With tcp wrapper support
     TRANSLUCENT=off: With Translucent Proxy overlay
     UNIQUE=off: With attribute Uniqueness overlay
     VALSORT=off: With Value Sorting overlay

I changed the database = bdb in slapd.conf to database = mdb. Are there any
other changes that I should also make?

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