security vulnerabilities

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Sun Mar 16 17:45:40 UTC 2014

On 16/03/2014 14:45, jv wrote:
> Hi - What is the safest way to handle fixing this python vulnerability
> Im seeing?
> portmaster -r python27-2.7.6_2 ??
> Checking for packages with security vulnerabilities:
> chromium-32.0.1700.107
> firefox-26.0,1
> freetype2-2.5.2
> python27-2.7.6_2
> Thanks,
> jv
> Checking for packages with security vulnerabilities:
> chromium-32.0.1700.107
> firefox-26.0,1
> freetype2-2.5.2
> python27-2.7.6_2

How about upgrading to the current versions of all of those. I don't 
have chromium installed but for the rest (on a machine that was last 
updated a week ago)

arthur> pkg info python27 firefox freetype2

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