Policy-based routing on SRC MAC criteria

Mikhail A. Grishin magr at msk-ix.ru
Fri Feb 28 09:56:04 UTC 2014


We want to organize some measurement station for customers of IXP 
(Internet Exchange Point).

To guarantee that ICMP replies get back to the same customer who send 
ICMP echo request, we need  to do policy-based routing according SRC MAC 
address criteria. Is it possible and how?

SRC IP not a solution because our customers exchange based on BGP 
protocol and can be assymetry.

P.S. Typical IXP - layer 2 network. All connected members get IP from 
our peering IP network. All members controlled by MAC address of the 
device that organize BGP sessions with other customers (typically that 
device is L3 router).

Best regards,
Mikhail A. Grishin <magr at msk-ix.ru>

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