make installworld failed

jungleboogie0 jungleboogie0 at
Tue Apr 15 04:34:40 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas,
On 14 April 2014 19:46, Thomas Hoffmann <trh411 at> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Mike Casper <mikecspr at> wrote:
>> Without rebooting and in single user mode, is it ok to 'rm -rf /usr/src'
>> and 'rm -rf /usr/obj' then 'svn checkout
>> /usr/src and restart from the
>> beginning of the handbook procedure list?
>> Thanks
> Here is what I would do:
> 1) svn update /usr/src
>      This will update your working copy of the repository ... lots faster
> than a whole new checkout
> 2) make -j4 -DNO_CLEAN buildworld
>      Using -DNO_CLEAN will keep everything from the last 'make buildworld'
> and rebuild only what is required given the source tree updates, which will
> be lots faster than a full 'make buildworld'.
> 3) Continue with 'make buildkernel' etc. etc. as in the Handbook

I build 10 stable generic. Would this work with 10-stable as opposed
to 11 current?

Currently my procedure is:
0.# cd /usr/src && svn update
1.# make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` buildworld
2.# make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` buildkernel
3.# make installkernel
4.# reboot
5.# cd /usr/src
6.# mergemaster -p
7.# make installworld
8.# mergemaster -iUF
9.# yes | make delete-old
10.# yes | make delete-old-libs
11.# cd /usr/obj && chflags -R noschg * && rm -rf *
12.# reboot

and my system is also a tortoise. You recommend I insert your steps
directly after the update?

do you recommend any other changes to my procedure above? My builds
generally also take
2-3 hours also.

> -Tom

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