Hot Swapping SATA drive?

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Tue May 14 11:45:24 UTC 2013

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  I bought one of these things awhile ago:

	I believe I have a similar object, only a) external (eSATA), b)
from a different manufacturer, and c) connected to a -CURRENT
system.  I use it as a backup device. 

>  I just now tried to read up a little bit on all of this ACPI
>  stuff, but my eyes are starting to glaze over.  So if someone
>  would answer these simple and obvious questions, I'd appreciate
>  it:
>  1) Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad
>  gonna happen if I insert a drive into this thing while the system
>  is running?  Will I be able to mount partitions contained on the
>  drive in question after I do so?

	That works for me.  I need to re-scan the ata channel using
"atacontrol" but once that happens it's fine.

>  2) Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad
>  gonna happen if I remove a drive from this thing while the system
>  is running, assuming that I have already properly umounted all
>  relevant partitions first?

	Nothing bad happened to me.

>  3) Assuming that I want to do this stuff, what BIOS options
>  should I be setting or unsetting on the motherboard?

	I am unable to check the BIOS settings on that MB (which may be
ASrock as well), but I don't believe I had to do anything other hand
make sure eSATA was enabled.

>  Please excuse my ignorance, but I've never done this stuff
>  before.

	I remember the nerves when I tried this.
	You should be fine,

				Robert Huff

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