9.1 install wipes out gpart boot blocks?

Gary Aitken freebsd at dreamchaser.org
Wed Jan 30 21:36:47 UTC 2013

I used gpart to set up a new disk,
then went through a 9.1 install.
Everything seemed to go fine, but when time came to boot the new drive,
it wouldn't boot.

When doing the 9.1 install, 
I selected the disk and had to assign the partitions to the various filesystems.
AFIK, I did not otherwise modify the filesystems.

Does the 9.1 install process trash the boot areas?

My gpart setup was:

  clean up (delete) the original partitions
  gpart destroy ada3
  gpart create -s GPT ada3
  gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr ada3
  gpart add -t freebsd-boot -i 1 -s 512K -l gptboot ada3
  gpart bootcode -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada3
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4K -b 1M -s 4G -i 2 -l fbsdroot ada3  # /
  gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4K -s 2G -i 3 -l fbsdswap ada3     # swap
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4K -s 2G -i 4 -l fbsdvar ada3         # /var
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4K -s 2G -i 5 -l fbsdtmp ada3         # /tmp
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4K -i 6 -l fbsdusr ada3               # /usr
  newfs /dev/ada3p2               # /
  newfs -U -b 4096 -g 8192 -i 1024 /dev/ada3p4            # /var
  newfs -U /dev/ada3p5            # /tmp
  newfs -U /dev/ada3p6    

At this point:

gpart show -l ada3
=>       34  488397101  ada3  GPT  (232G)
         34       1024     1  gptboot  (512k)
       1058          6        - free -  (3.0k)
       1064    8388608     2  fbsdroot  (4.0G)
    8389672    4194304     3  fbsdswap  (2.0G)
   12583976    4194304     4  fbsdvar  (2.0G)
   16778280    4194304     5  fbsdtmp  (2.0G)
   20972584  467424544     6  fbsdusr  (222G)
  488397128          7        - free -  (3.5k)

The / /var and /usr partitions seem to have been written properly.
Do I simply need to rewrite the boot areas, 
or is something more fundamental screwed up?

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