I made a mess. libc

Daniel O'Callaghan danny at clari.net.au
Fri Feb 22 08:19:24 UTC 2013

On 22/02/2013 4:44 PM, Shane Ambler wrote:
> You missed the earlier suggestion - at the single user prompt for a 
> shell don't just hit enter - type in /rescue/sh
This suggestion was gold for me, but in a different way.  I have for 
years lamented the passing of static binaries in /bin and /sbin.

I forget who mentioned that /rescue/*  are statically linked - I had 
never known that.
Today I have just built a 5.4-RELEASE jail on a 9.1-STABLE system, and 
being able to include a statically linked 9.1-STABLE 'ps' is very useful.
The 5.4 version of ps is useless in this jail.

And just in case the significance is lost on Bernt, /rescue/sh does not 
rely on libc, so it won't care if libc is broken.


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