Change in /etc/rc.d/namend script

Olivier Nicole Olivier.Nicole at
Tue Sep 25 04:48:44 UTC 2012


Yesterday I upgraded my DNS server from 7.2 to 8.3 and has the
unpleasant suprise to find that named would not restart after the

I think I traced it back to the new /etc/rc.d/named script.

I am runing in named in a chrooted environment and it seems that with
the new script the configuration file must exist in /etc/namedb as
well as in /chroot/etc/namedb.

Having to duplicate the configuration files to the not chrooted
environment is something new. With the /etc/rc.d/named script 2008/10/02 that was not needed, and I don't see why it
would be needed now.

Is there a way to run the new startup script without duplicating (not
even symlinking) the configuration?

Best regards,


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