Firefox install problem

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Wed Sep 5 16:04:43 UTC 2012

Mario Lobo <lobo at> writes:

> 2012/9/4 Warren Block <wblock at>
>> On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Waitman Gobble wrote:
>>  On Sep 4, 2012 7:03 PM, "Mario Lobo" <lobo at> wrote:
>>>> All I've done was "csup -L 2 ports-supfile" with ports-www in it.
>>>> Then cd /usr/ports/www/firefox; make with default options.
>>>> As for my /etc/make.conf
>>>> CPUTYPE?=nocona
>>>> WITH_KDE4=yes
>>>> WITH_CUPS=yes
>>>> PERL_VERSION=5.10.4
>>>> If it is its fault, it will be the first time in around 3,5 years.
>>> did you _only_  csup www in ports? ill have to check but im not sure
>>> libvpx
>>> is in www... im not in a place to check at this exact second but my memory
>>> is that is providing webm support so probably in audio or multimedia
>> multimedia/libvpx would not have been updated.  Selectively updating ports
>> is not supported.  Symlinking libraries to missing versions is often a
>> source of mysterious problems later.
> I had run csup with ports-multimedia since the first libvpx error came up!.
> Libvpx was already up to date by the way, and correctly installed. So i did
> not Symlink a library to any "missing version".

But not necessarily the version that your other ports had been tested
against. This can lead to mysterious problems, as you may have noticed.

> "Selectively updating ports is not supported".  Then I must wonder why do
> we have the option to put "ports-{$port}" inside the supfile, and not a
> mandatory ports-all.

Sometimes, for some purposes, it works, and keeping it around helps some
experts (especially porters). But "not supported" means "please
don't ask us to help you use it." That is, you should update the whole
port tree and update all dependent ports before reporting a problem.

Here is what you should do:

  (1) Update your ports tree. You can use any method to do this
      (e.g. cvs, cvsup, subversion, portsnap), but update the whole tree
      at the same time.

  (2) If step (1) did not update your INDEX file, update it
      now. Possible methods include "make fetch" and "make index". I you
      use portupgrade, "portsdb -Uu" is the best way.

  (3) cd /usr/ports && make clean
      Kind of overkill in most cases, but when your port tree is
      building in bogus directories for no apparent reason, overkill may
      save your butt.
  (4) Upgrade all of the ports that firefox depends on (and the ones
      they depend on). Tools like portmaster or portupgrade make this
      much easier.

  (5) Rebuild the vpx port, even if it's already up to date.

  (6) Then rebuild the firefox port.

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