freebsd-update - To 'Stable'?

Bas Smeelen b.smeelen at
Thu Nov 22 16:44:54 UTC 2012

On 11/22/12 17:32, Karl Pielorz wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a number of 9.0-R boxes, some of which I've updated in the past 
> to 9.0-STABLE (as of the date they were done).
> I'm looking at switching to 'freebsd-update' - is there an equivalent 
> way to get it to update me to '-STABLE'?

freebsd-update works for RELEASE, BETA and RELEASE CANDIDATES, the 
latter two when announced so.
This means you can use freebsd-update to go from 9.0-RELEASE to 9.1-RC3.
You wil have to be on RELEASE or RC to be able to do so.
> i.e. If I run this on a 9.0-RELEASE box, I end up with 9.0-RELEASE-p4 
> (even though uname says '-p3' - it's apparently -p4.

This is because form p3 to p4 the kernel has not been modified and the 
last p# from is not shown unless you rebuild your kernel.
> I'm guessing that's not the same as if I'd csup'd to 9.0-STABLE on 
> that day, and rebuilt the world?

Right, it is not the same. 9.0-STABLE is at 9.1-PRERELEASE.
> I'd also guess freebsd-update will bring up some more queries / info 
> if it has to merge any config files (I seem to have been lucky going 
> from 9.0-R to 9.0-R-p4 nothings been displayed other than 'completed' 
> - unless I'm doing something wrong :).

When going to a new RELEASE you will be prompted. Within the same 
release I have not seen yet that configuration files get changed.
> Also, does freebsd-update warn you if you need to reboot/rebuild 
> anything (e.g. the kernel / userland or anything?)

Yes it warns you when you have a cutom kernel. There is no need to 
rebuild world or the GENERIC kernel (unless you want the p# to reflect 
the actual patchlevel), because freebsd-update takes care of the 
binaries and the sources also when installed. The whole process is very 
well documented in the handbook.

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