Home "Server"

Nicholas MIller nick.kyky at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 16:52:20 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I am looking to re purpose an old system for use as a home server. My
intentions for the server are as follows:

Central backup of other systems.
Storage for Media files(movies/music)
Occasionally transcoding DVDs/blurays
As well as being able to access the backed up files(at least part of them)
over http(s).

My question(s) regard storage.  Depending on which case I end up using or
if i purchase a new one, will have access to either 4(four) or 6(six) hard
drive bays.  The only things I really *need* redundancy for would be the
centralized backups. Which has me leaning towards zfs.  However since I'll
probably want to use some of the space from the drives in that pool, but
won't need redundancy I'm not quite sure how to proceed.

I'm sorry if any of this message is unclear.

Thanks for any assistence


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