how to correct corrupted ports tree?

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Sat Nov 17 05:56:47 UTC 2012

On 17/11/2012 15:26, Gary Aitken wrote:

> decided to rebuild ports for peace of mind,
> but my basic ports tree is hosed:

> I didn't see anything in the handbook about how to get the ports tree itself
> back to a sane condition.  Do I have to blow the whole thing away and do a
> fresh extract?  I don't see a way to force refetch of the actual ports files
> like "distinfo" when portsnap thinks the port is up to date.

portsnap extract will always install the entire tree, if you have made 
any modifications they will be overwritten, but new ports folders you 
have added should remain, sometimes this can also cause old folders to 
be left behind.

Worst case is to delete the existing /usr/ports and extract a clean set.

Another option is partial extraction -
portsnap extract lang/php5-extensions will extract just the one port
portsnap extract lang/php5 will match all lang ports starting with php5
portsnap extract lang will extract all the lang ports

I think that you will find your issue comes from the fact that all the 
php4 ports have been deleted - you seem to have some old folders left 
behind. Could be from extracting over an existing cvs checkout. Maybe 
you want a clean start.

If you still have php4 installed then you should be able to use
portmaster -o lang/php5-extensions lang/php4-extensions
to get it to update with the new version

find /usr/ports -type d -and -name "php4*" | xargs rm -R
will delete any remaining php4 folders
find /usr/ports -name "CVS" | xargs rm -R
will remove all the cvs garbage left behind.

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