WARNING: FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE is approaching its End-of-Life date.

Matthias Petermann matthias at d2ux.net
Fri Nov 16 07:52:06 UTC 2012

   Hi Andreas,
   do I understand it right - the default behaviour of freebsd-update will
   be to update a 9.0 system to 9.1 when it becomes available? So this is
   a rolling procedure?
   I ask this because I could not find a parameter etc. in the man page
   which may influent this, e.g. to limit updates to stay in a main
   release (9.0, 9.0-p1, 9.0-p....., 9.0-p12) but don't upgrade to 9.1.
   Kind regards,
   Am Freitag, 16. November 2012 00:25 CET, Andreas Rudisch
   <"cyb."@gmx.net> schrieb:

     On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 23:46:53 +0100
     Matthias Petermann wrote:
     > Thanks for the clearification. One technical thing: is it
     possible, to upgrade
     > from FreeBSD 9.0 to 9.1 with the freebsd-update utility?
     Yes, it is.

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