BIOS update saga - the end

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at
Tue Nov 13 16:23:05 UTC 2012

	From lenzi.sergio at Tue Nov 13 16:17:49 2012

	That is one of the reasons I stop buying HP products
	specially laptops.. and sony vaio as well..

	the last one I have is a z6000 that is still working very well with

	HP notebooks are "closed"  works only with windows, are expensive
	consumes too much power, the bateries did not last...

regarding the power and weak batteries - this is my experience too.

	I live in Brazil and here one HP costs about 750 euros... a sony vaio is
	about 800 euros,

	I bought recently a Lenovo G475 (14inch LED display) notebook brand new,
	for 350 euros with 2Gb of memory,
	320Gb of HD, atheros wifi, dvd rw, AMD radeon video, dual core... I
	bought more 4Gb of memory
	for 30 euros, and the notebook is now with 6Gb...

ok, I might look at this model, thanks for the hint.

	Last week I bought a 15 inch notebook at the shopping near my home,
	with the same amd chip, wifi, large keyboard with separated numeric key,
	4Gb memory, 500Gb disk.... for 320 euros (no brand name)...

	any of them works very well with FreeBSD, NetBSD or Linux...

	A friend of mine bought 10 of those for his company employees.. 
	it is cheapper than upgrade de desktops....

	That is my experience



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