Some thoughts about upgrading from 8.3 to 9.1

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Tue Nov 13 14:21:31 UTC 2012

On 11/13/12 13:00, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> I just read in another post about disklayout
> _____________________________________________________________
> According to the manual as of 9.0-RELEASE the default fragment
> and block sizes for newfs are 4k and 32k, so provided your
> partitions/slices are 4k aligned everything Should Just Work.
> Before 9.0 fragments and blocks were 2k and 16k which doesn't
> play so well with 4k drives.
> ____________________________________________________________

I wrote that. It's only relevant if you have recent disks with 4k 
hardware blocks. If you have, you ought to use 4k/16k filesystems 
whatever your OS rev. If you haven't, it doesn't matter. If it's not 
broken, don't fix it, is a very good principle.

> I started thinking about the choices I have for upgrading my running 8.3
> systems.
> I'm aware about of the procedure with freebsd-upgrade and rebuilding all
> ports according to man portmaster.
> Would you just do the upgrade or would you consider reinstalling?
> Would it be beneficial to make a fresh installation?

Like Erich Dollansky, I prefer to upgrade via source, but that's because 
I like tweaking my system in mildly non-standard ways. (More a habit 
than a necessity, but I've been doing it since 6th Edition Unix. :-) If 
you're running a vanilla install with GENERIC kernel freebsd-upgrade is 
probably going to be quicker even if you've got a multicore monster to 
recompile on. Just make sure you can reinstall if something goes bad 
during the upgrade and *back up anything vital first*.

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