Some thoughts about upgrading from 8.3 to 9.1

Leslie Jensen leslie at
Tue Nov 13 13:10:03 UTC 2012

I just read in another post about disklayout
According to the manual as of 9.0-RELEASE the default fragment
and block sizes for newfs are 4k and 32k, so provided your 
partitions/slices are 4k aligned everything Should Just Work.
Before 9.0 fragments and blocks were 2k and 16k which doesn't
play so well with 4k drives.

I started thinking about the choices I have for upgrading my running 8.3 

I'm aware about of the procedure with freebsd-upgrade and rebuilding all 
ports according to man portmaster.

Would you just do the upgrade or would you consider reinstalling?

Would it be beneficial to make a fresh installation?



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