high performance server design approach

Mark Blackman mark at exonetric.com
Tue Nov 13 11:08:44 UTC 2012

On 13 Nov 2012, at 11:03, Friedrich Locke <friedrich.locke at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mark,
> when i say high performance, i am looking something at least as fast as the fastest performing http server on the market for a given set of requests on the same pool of static files.
> I am aware og ngnix, but i have to write my own http server. Using someone else solution is not an option.

Ok, fair enough. It's a shame you're not in a position to use proven high performance technology to minimise
your time-to-market, but I'll assume you've got a good reason to re-invent the wheel.

I think for design questions like that, freebsd-questions@ is not the ideal list, but I suggest
either freebsd-hackers@ or freebsd-net@ or a more general purpose networking list.

Try http://www.slideshare.net/joshzhu/tips-on-high-performance-server-programming too.

- Mark

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