poudriere amassing fetch errors

Bryan Drewery bryan at shatow.net
Fri Nov 2 19:26:01 UTC 2012

On 11/2/2012 11:52 AM, Wolfgang Riegler wrote:
> Hi,
> unfortunately I have the same problem. A lot of fetch and checksum errors. I have set RESOLV_CONF=/etc/resolv.conf in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf, resolv.conf is copied to the poudriere jail and manual fetching of the ports is working.
> On every run of poudriere bulk different ports are failing due to fetch or checksum errors. Sometimes no file is fetched, sometimes a small one and then I get a checksum failure, sometimes the file is about two times bigger and I get a checksum failure, too.

This doesn't sound like a poudriere-specific issue. There may be a
general fetching issue with bsd.port.mk, that I plan to investigate further.

> Normal make install clean is running fine on that machine.
> I'm using FreeBSD 9.1-rc2 and poudriere 2.2 (2.1. had the same issue)
> I have some other problems as well:
> - poudriere bulk doesn't exit; after building all pkgs it sleeps forever

This issue should be fixed in poudriere-devel.

> - I have two errors several times, but I don't know to which ports they belong:
> 	perl: not found
> 	"Makefile", line 86: warning: "/bin/sh -c 'case `perl --version` in *freebsd-thread*) echo yes ;; esac'" returned non-zero status
> 	and
> 	/usr/local/bin/apr-1-config: not found
> 	"Makefile.common", line 115: warning: "/usr/local/bin/apr-1-config --includedir" returned non-zero status

The first I'm not sure about.

The 2nd are apache ports incorrectly depending on apr to be installed,
which does not work in a fresh jail.

If you run ports-mgmt/poudriere-devel bulk with -J1 you should see which
port is causing these issues, so they can be reported to the
maintainers. The specific problem as that the ports do not build
properly within clean jails.

> Could anybody help me?
> Thanks
> Wolfgang


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