help with gpart

Warren Block wblock at
Thu Nov 1 01:41:53 UTC 2012

On Wed, 31 Oct 2012, doug at wrote:

> I am trying to put FreeBSD on an HP laptop. The use up all the partitions to 
> I deleted the least useful one, shrunk the windows partition and tried to add 
> freeBSD.
> gpart show:
> =>       63  625142385  ada0  MBR  (298G)
>         63       1985        - free -  (992k)
>       2048     407552     1  ntfs  [active]  (199M)
>     409600  311951360     2  ntfs  (148G)
>  312360960         33        - free -  (16k)
>  312360993  283115448     4  freebsd  (135G)
>  595476441     577575        - free -  (282M)
>  596054016   28880896     3  ntfs  (13G)
>  624934912     207536        - free -  (101M)
> I do not have any flexibility as to where #4 is. I would like to use the 9.0 
> installer from this point but it wants to add BSD partitions to the 282M 
> space.
> I am not sure after much man-ing and google-ing what gpart commands are 
> required. I guess I could use sysinstall at this point but learning gpart 
> seems like a good thing. I assume I need to do something like:
>   gpart add set -a active -i 4 ada04      (not sure geom is correct)

No, for slice 4, it would be ada0s4.  For the MBR setup, bootcode must 
be added to both the MBR (ada0) and the slice.

>   gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot0 ada04
> and then add the mounts. I would like
>   /
>   swap
>   /var 10g
>   /usr 20g
>   /home (the rest)
> but am somewhat lost about the syntax and geom values. thanks for any help

bsdlabel partitions are created inside a slice.  No idea whether the 
partition numbers being out of order will be a problem...

gpart create -s bsd ada0s4
gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot ada0s4

Then add partitions inside that:

gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 2g ada0s4
gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 4g ada0s4
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -2 10g ada0s4

I strongly suggest taking advantage of labels with the -l option.

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