avrdude and arduino

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Mon May 14 13:25:09 UTC 2012

>> This is the command I'm using:
>> %sudo avrdude -F -v -v -v -v -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/cuaU0 -U flash:w:flash.hex
> This is what I use for Duemilanove
> sudo avrdude -V -F -c stk500v1 -p m168 -b 19200 -P /dev/cuaU0 -U
> flash:w:flash.hex (Arduino)

maybe stupid question but why do you use sudo for it? 
can't you just set up devd.conf to set right owner to /dev/cuaU0, or even 
better make link like /dev/atmel -> /dev/yourdevice - so no matter how 
many usb serial devices you connect it will always have same name?

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